Thursday, June 18, 2009

Learn to Earn Money

In this world today only those who cannot earn money would come out and go on to declare:
· Do we have necessity for money
· Do we need money
· Is money life

Money is required for all as a Necessity in the form of basic needs such as Food, Clothing and Shelter (Roti, Kapada Aur Makan) then we can have Comfort with it and as far as Luxury is concerned sky is the limit.

Different ways to Earn Money:1. Win - Win Move – A writer brings out a book for publication for R.100, the reader purchases the book with an investment to gain the knowledge. If the book is to his satisfaction, it is a mutual win-win situation.
2. Selling the Dreams – During consultancy providing suggestions for Vastu or predictions with Astrology. Here what is sold is satisfaction as the buyer will not get any profit except self satisfaction.
3. Deceiving – There is a group of people who sell words which are not real, if one follows he will be deceived and finally at a loss thus the deceiver gets profit and the deceived will be completely at a loss.

Is Money Earning An Art?A section of people tell that earning money is an art and certain people can only do that but not all. Though it appears to be reasonable, it is not true.
The following four qualities are necessary for anyone to earn money:
1. Intelligence
2. Skill
3. Investment
4. Effort

There is lot of Money in the world now, what is essential for us is to know where to put the bait for it, is it in equity shares or real estate or should we establish an Educational Institution, or beauty parlor in a good location etc. Once we know this then start believing that Money is there.

Money Atmosphere - Beside the above criteria money atmosphere is a very essential resource. Because a deep insight is needed as to how money can be generated with generous views and generous utility and generous conduct.

We should develop liking for money. Suppose we are going along Abids and find huge multistoried buildings, instead of thinking all these people have deceived by some means and got money, start thinking if I am able to put in efforts I will also be able to build such multi storied buildings.

The most important point being, have less infatuation on money and have a strong liking for money. Stop thinking of money with infatuation and not contented even with corers of rupees and in the process due to your carelessness you spoil your heath.

Forthcoming success
Everyone has ample opportunities to achieve success monetarily physically mentally and morally. If one achieves the first one it’s only for him to channelize to achieve the other roles. If someone fails to achieve success to get money at a particular time, one should not get disappointed. Repeated trails with meaningful efforts lead to success. But a person does not realize this dictum.

It is important to earn money but it’s equally more important to utilize it. If it is properly utilized at a proper time in a proper context the satisfaction achieved is all the more high. Some earn money but they do not know how to utilize it. They can utilize it in social service for charitable trust or any other philanthropic purpose and there by derive self satisfaction.

Man has to realize and understand the difference between the life and living. To achieve this one needs to have 6 prosperities, they are Health, Fame, Money, Wisdom, Inquisitiveness and Love. Of this Money is one of them. The Man who achieves these will climb the ladder and reach the stage of Self Actualization.

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