Wednesday, July 29, 2009


  • A feeling of agitation and anxiety / Exit caused by the presence or imminence of danger.
  • Fear is a powerful emotion; it can stop us from reaching our potential and can hold us back from living life to its fullest.
  • Fear ropes us of our creativity and diminishes our personal powers.
  • Fear leads to anger, Anger leads to Hate, Hate leads to suffering.
  • Overcoming fear is critical to accomplishing the things we want in life and it is a necessary ingredient for improving the life situation.
  • Overcoming our fear puts us in the driver seat of our own life so that we can live our best life and be our best self.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Don't see a Friend like a flower,
because a flower dies in hours.
See a Friend like River,
because the river flows for ever.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Smile increases value of face.
Anger spoils the beauty of soul.
Faith is force of Life.
Confidence is companion of Success.
So keep Smiling.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Anger is very dangerous as it hampers the human relations.

Anger put pressure on heart there by the blood vessels get blocked called as Cardio Abstructive Pulmonary Disorder sometimes leading to heart attack.

Start looking at Anger as a separate personality from you and take an oath to get lesser anger.
Each time you get angry question yourself why did I get Angry?

The actual form of Anger is Depression and Frustration. The main problem for these is they will not be under control.

When you get angry, take a paper and write down the reasons and read it after some time, then you will know the actual reason for anger. Without reacting, if we get down to action in this way, our anxiety will be controlled. This will elevate one from anger and then gradually will stop getting angry.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


A Human soul without education is like marble in the quarry, which shows none of its inherent beauties, until the skill of the polisher fetches out the colors makes the surface shine discovers every ornamental cloud, spot and view that runs through the body of it.

In modern organization every knowledge worker (work with knowledge) is an executive if, by virtue of his position or knowledge, is responsible for a contribution that materially affects the capacity of the organization to perform and obtain results.

Such a man or woman must make decisions; he cannot just carry out orders. He must take responsibility for his contribution and he is supported by virtue of his knowledge, to the better equipped to make the right decision than anyone else.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Soft Skills

Soft skills are those that tell the individual about his ability in terms of capability, readiness, public and personal behavior.

All these soft skills are interdependent. For example: To speak to a group 30 or 40 we need to have good presentation skills and also if one needs to present it he should a have good grip on language. In order for us to know how we should interact with others we need to have interpersonal skills. If one needs to work and deliver more than his productivity he should know Time Management.

Skill is doing something correct perfectly and one will be able to do with training and practice. Doing this it fetches experience.

If we want to achieve something we should be dedicated and put in necessary efforts.

Self Respect & Self Esteem play an important role in personality development .

Saturday, July 4, 2009

New Job

· Follow office timings perfectly.
· Respect your co-employees.
· Start observing your co-employees.
· Do not discuss any personal topics with anyone; if anyone shows interest, give them a good smile.
· Do not show interest in the personal matters of co-employees.
· Do not criticize your co-employees.
· During work pressure, support your co-employees.
· During office hours for personal calls, be to the point and close them quickly.
· Do not keep anything pending as it will damage your career.
· For any support that you receive from your co-employee, thank them.
· If in case because of you if anyone has been inconvenienced, tell them sorry without fail.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Yesterday Today Tomorrow

We can cherish certain moments of the past, some are easily erased and others are difficult to forget. We can be proud of our past experience both professional and personal or have a critical view on it. Instead in any case, we know that an experience of the past becomes very useful to us in future.

Today is a very interesting concept as well. Some people even say that it lasts for a second. What happened a second is in the past? What will happen in a second is future which is yet to come. Today we make various plans and try to rationally to organize our division of time in order to cope much better and more successful in future.

The presence of various views depends on their temperaments, characters and life style. Today our active preparation is for tomorrow’s success.

Tomorrow is very powerful – living and independent. It observes time and always arrives according to its invariable time table. The majority of people make plans for their future for distant and instant one. Today we plan for what we will do tomorrow. Tomorrow we will plan for what we will do in a week and so on. Planning your future organizing your division of time helps you stay organized and more or less prepared to tomorrow.