Friday, March 27, 2009


As it is a long week end I woke up late and was lazing around in spite of heavy load of pending work. It is difficult to follow planned Time Management on a week end as against a regular working day. I wanted to start my work and as I could not proceed I strolled down into my little garden and have come across an excellent scene.

The nests built by the birds are generally very impressive. We get surprised at their creativity as they collect small dry flexible sticks and weave them into an excellent nest.

In my little garden they have placed this nest with two young birds between Money Plant and Night Queen. As I watched while one went to fetch the food the other was watching over the young ones. As the bird was returning with food the young ones were jumping with joy to eat. I was watching this happen and gradually all my laziness vanished and has started to do my work with doubled rigor.


Vasantha rutuvu has a special way of spring ing on us.

Nature is awakening. The earth has been blessed with spring’s gift of immortality.

The flowers bloom and blush with colours - the splender of the rose and the whitness of the lilly.

The jasmines spread sweet fragrance which is nature’s own creation.

Birds on every flowering spray raise their heads to sing with joy at the dawning day.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Happy - Unhappy

The happiest person is the person who thinks the most interesting thoughts

The essential difference between the happy person and unhappy person is the difference between Get and Give.

The unhappy person is concerned with what’s in it for me, what are people doing to me and so forth.

But the happy person is looking towards what he can do, what he can give, what he can accomplish.

Value of TIME

Take time to Laugh, it is the Music of the soul.
Take time to Think, it is the Source of Power.
Take time to Read, it is the Fountain of Wisdom.
Take time to Be Friendly, it is the Road to Happiness.
Take time to Give, it is Too Short a Day to be Selfish.
Take time to Work, it is the Price of Success.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Self Motivation

The ants keep moving and never stop at any place. If we place our hand on their way they take a diversion and go in another way. They will never bother for any number of hurdles on their way, and continue their journey uninterruptedly. They never lose their enthusiasm or courage and will continue to put in efforts.

Similarly try pulling grass from the ground and you will observe that with each mother root the child root also gets into the earth and embraces it. If we pull the grass it challenges us and says you can’t do anything to me and grows again.

We being human beings with thought power and intellect in case of any problem, why do we think only in one way and don’t allow our thoughts to think differently and find a way to solve the problem.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Womens Day

A woman has strengths that amaze me.

She is called weak but her courage and guts amaze me.

She is called an emotional fool but her maturity amazes me.

· smiles when she feels like screaming
· sings when she feels like crying
· cries when she’s Happy and
· laughs when she’s afraid

She loves unconditionally.

There ‘s only one thing wrong with her, she sometimes forget s what she is worth………….

Saturday, March 7, 2009

How to Enjoy the Work

Here we have 3 principles; they are Work, Enjoyment and Doing.

Why should a man work? Man Works to derive satisfaction. A wise man should think to die at his work.

A man’s personality is conglomeration of deeds and activities.

What you are is god’s gift to you. What you become is your gift to god.

Human life – work = 0 (ZERO)

Why should we do work?
1. It keeps you engaged and takes away boredom and frustration.
2. Work should afford full scope for flowering human talent.
3. Work and leisure are interrelated.
4. Leisure encircles the work. Leisure can be enjoyed after real hard work.
5. The word Enjoy is derived from joy. There is no joy in life, if there is no work.
6. Happiness is the state of mind.
7. Every individual is a special kind of artist who can shape his personality. He can beautify his own life and community. A truly educated person always thinks of what, how and why. How can I improve? Why I can’t reach excellence? etc.
8. Happiness and joy can be seen in any work if it is performed properly, orderly, perfectly and ethically.

Planning is the key to success:
1. Plan every day in advance
2. Action without planning is bound to cause failure.
3. Try 10/90 rule – 10% effort in planning and 90% effort in doing work.

Achieving excellence at work:
1. First decide what you must enjoy doing.
2. To understand our relationships with others, we must first understand ourselves.
3. Some of what you do most is what you like least.
4. Life comprises 10% of what happens to us and 90% how we react to what happen to us.

Techniques to achieve excellence at work:
1. Accept responsibility - response + ability
2. Pride - personal responsibility.
3. Avoid 4C’s - Criticizing, Complaining, Competing & Comparing
4. Be fearless - F - False, E - Evidence, A - Appearing, R - Real
5. Duty with desire becomes delight.

Stand out from the Crowd

1. Smile to every one – Not a smirk but a genuine warm smile as Smile increases life expectancy.
2. Greet every one cheerfully.
3. Compliment: If you look hard enough you will always be able to find something in people to sincerely compliment. Make it a habit to start looking into it.
4. Be over – courteous.
5. Praise and pat on the back.
6. Say Thank You.
7. Be a nice person: It’s nice to be important but it’s more important to be nice.
8. Do your good deed for the day.
9. Sing, hum, whistle and be a Ray of Sun Shine.
10. Don’t hold grudges – instead forgive and forget.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Secret of Happiness

To achieve happiness, a person should wish that he wants to be happy. Desire it. Identify it and acknowledge it as much.

Invest in your self – because you are worth it. Every human being wants just one thing - to be happy. If your, self image is positive, you will convey positive to those around you.

Articulate your feelings – Write to the person a warm and sincere note appreciating the gesture. Pick up the phone and send a text. Make it a point to demonstrate your affection by reaching out briefly.

Listen with your heart not just with your ears.

Walk up to the person who has earned your respect and say so. It costs nothing but it goes a long way in long run.

In certain situations extending your help if it leads to a positive outcome, don’t hesitate as one should not walk away as a coward from the current crisis.

Cultivate habits of Reading, Listening to Music or Gardening:
· Reading – Books are true friends as they don’t ask us anything, they are self less and give us knowledge as we read.
· Music – We get great pleasure by listening to good music.
· Gardening - Grow a small garden. My own little garden in my home is very precious to me. One day as I wake up and see a rose in full bloom in my little garden, my sprits rise high with no limit. I take the arrival of each new leaf of every plant as a personal victory.

Money – We all need money to live. But we don’t need to chase it at the cost of everything else in our life.

Good Food has great recall – remembering a memorable meal is a pleasure in itself.

Drink - Don’t drink if you think that the alcohol will take away your sorrow.

Loosing with grace is an art in itself. Win some and loose some, that’s how it goes and always will.

Sound Sleep – Having sound sleep for 6 to 8 hours a day will let you relax well for the next day’s work. Calmness of mind is a beautiful jewel of wisdom.

There is a beautiful word called DAAN which defies accurate translation. It includes kindness and compassion, as much as donation and gifts that you share.

Nothing is impossible – the word impossible itself tells I am possible.

Make sure your identity that which you enjoy more than anything else – success is bound to follow you.