Friday, March 27, 2009


As it is a long week end I woke up late and was lazing around in spite of heavy load of pending work. It is difficult to follow planned Time Management on a week end as against a regular working day. I wanted to start my work and as I could not proceed I strolled down into my little garden and have come across an excellent scene.

The nests built by the birds are generally very impressive. We get surprised at their creativity as they collect small dry flexible sticks and weave them into an excellent nest.

In my little garden they have placed this nest with two young birds between Money Plant and Night Queen. As I watched while one went to fetch the food the other was watching over the young ones. As the bird was returning with food the young ones were jumping with joy to eat. I was watching this happen and gradually all my laziness vanished and has started to do my work with doubled rigor.

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