Saturday, March 7, 2009

How to Enjoy the Work

Here we have 3 principles; they are Work, Enjoyment and Doing.

Why should a man work? Man Works to derive satisfaction. A wise man should think to die at his work.

A man’s personality is conglomeration of deeds and activities.

What you are is god’s gift to you. What you become is your gift to god.

Human life – work = 0 (ZERO)

Why should we do work?
1. It keeps you engaged and takes away boredom and frustration.
2. Work should afford full scope for flowering human talent.
3. Work and leisure are interrelated.
4. Leisure encircles the work. Leisure can be enjoyed after real hard work.
5. The word Enjoy is derived from joy. There is no joy in life, if there is no work.
6. Happiness is the state of mind.
7. Every individual is a special kind of artist who can shape his personality. He can beautify his own life and community. A truly educated person always thinks of what, how and why. How can I improve? Why I can’t reach excellence? etc.
8. Happiness and joy can be seen in any work if it is performed properly, orderly, perfectly and ethically.

Planning is the key to success:
1. Plan every day in advance
2. Action without planning is bound to cause failure.
3. Try 10/90 rule – 10% effort in planning and 90% effort in doing work.

Achieving excellence at work:
1. First decide what you must enjoy doing.
2. To understand our relationships with others, we must first understand ourselves.
3. Some of what you do most is what you like least.
4. Life comprises 10% of what happens to us and 90% how we react to what happen to us.

Techniques to achieve excellence at work:
1. Accept responsibility - response + ability
2. Pride - personal responsibility.
3. Avoid 4C’s - Criticizing, Complaining, Competing & Comparing
4. Be fearless - F - False, E - Evidence, A - Appearing, R - Real
5. Duty with desire becomes delight.

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