Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Adieu 2009
Through this year if we retrospect and see, what did we earn? Our successes, failures.... and how many friends did we make?
What events has brought us great pleasure that are unforgettable and also think of the events hat has brought you sorrow.
During the silent lone cold nights of this Dec take some time to pen down all these experiences of your through the year.
This exercise will not only teach you how to shape a sweet future for your self but also will let you know the value of time.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Negotiate - Salary
When it comes to discussing your starting salary, let the employer go first. That way you have a firm starting point that you can be assured of, when it is your turn.
Once they go first, you respond by repeating their starting salary offer and remaining sailent.
The best way to leverage a pay scale salary report for a successful negotiation is to set your own expectations about how you will use your report. know what information your report contains, and especially know what data represents - what is behind the numbers beofre taking it to the boss.
Two common points the employer may wish to discuss are the sources used to obtain the data in the report, and whether the data in the report matches your job profile, the company profile, and job location.
finally you receive a salary that you can live with and is now have a firm base to agree to, that you know you will be happy with.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Elephant finally breaks the silence and says, "Why are you so small?". The mouse looks up and says, "I have not been Well".
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Cultivate the company and friendship of Enthusiastic people.
Enthusiasm constantly alerts to new possibilities.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Ganesh Chaturthi
Lord Ganesha known as Adideva as he is known be worshipped first even by Gods when they propose to do a work.
So we being humans we have to first worship lord Ganesha and then get into the work for its successful completion.
An idol of Ganesha, was shaped out of mud scooped from the banks of a river and worshipped with 21 types of leaves like Mango, pomogranate, Dattura, goa, Maruvam, Bilwa, Bamboo, Grass, Tulasi, pepal, Calotropis, Banyan, Artemesia, Jaji etc. Lord Ganesha is the only Deity who is worshipped with this many variety of leaves.
After the worship in this way for a duration of maximum 9 days it is immersed back into water.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
In Friendship as wavelength needs to match, equally important is is belief, with out this there can be no friendship.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
- A feeling of agitation and anxiety / Exit caused by the presence or imminence of danger.
- Fear is a powerful emotion; it can stop us from reaching our potential and can hold us back from living life to its fullest.
- Fear ropes us of our creativity and diminishes our personal powers.
- Fear leads to anger, Anger leads to Hate, Hate leads to suffering.
- Overcoming fear is critical to accomplishing the things we want in life and it is a necessary ingredient for improving the life situation.
- Overcoming our fear puts us in the driver seat of our own life so that we can live our best life and be our best self.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
because a flower dies in hours.
See a Friend like River,
because the river flows for ever.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Anger spoils the beauty of soul.
Faith is force of Life.
Confidence is companion of Success.
So keep Smiling.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Anger put pressure on heart there by the blood vessels get blocked called as Cardio Abstructive Pulmonary Disorder sometimes leading to heart attack.
Start looking at Anger as a separate personality from you and take an oath to get lesser anger.
Each time you get angry question yourself why did I get Angry?
The actual form of Anger is Depression and Frustration. The main problem for these is they will not be under control.
When you get angry, take a paper and write down the reasons and read it after some time, then you will know the actual reason for anger. Without reacting, if we get down to action in this way, our anxiety will be controlled. This will elevate one from anger and then gradually will stop getting angry.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
In modern organization every knowledge worker (work with knowledge) is an executive if, by virtue of his position or knowledge, is responsible for a contribution that materially affects the capacity of the organization to perform and obtain results.
Such a man or woman must make decisions; he cannot just carry out orders. He must take responsibility for his contribution and he is supported by virtue of his knowledge, to the better equipped to make the right decision than anyone else.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Soft Skills
All these soft skills are interdependent. For example: To speak to a group 30 or 40 we need to have good presentation skills and also if one needs to present it he should a have good grip on language. In order for us to know how we should interact with others we need to have interpersonal skills. If one needs to work and deliver more than his productivity he should know Time Management.
Skill is doing something correct perfectly and one will be able to do with training and practice. Doing this it fetches experience.
If we want to achieve something we should be dedicated and put in necessary efforts.
Self Respect & Self Esteem play an important role in personality development .
Saturday, July 4, 2009
New Job
· Respect your co-employees.
· Start observing your co-employees.
· Do not discuss any personal topics with anyone; if anyone shows interest, give them a good smile.
· Do not show interest in the personal matters of co-employees.
· Do not criticize your co-employees.
· During work pressure, support your co-employees.
· During office hours for personal calls, be to the point and close them quickly.
· Do not keep anything pending as it will damage your career.
· For any support that you receive from your co-employee, thank them.
· If in case because of you if anyone has been inconvenienced, tell them sorry without fail.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Yesterday Today Tomorrow
Today is a very interesting concept as well. Some people even say that it lasts for a second. What happened a second is in the past? What will happen in a second is future which is yet to come. Today we make various plans and try to rationally to organize our division of time in order to cope much better and more successful in future.
The presence of various views depends on their temperaments, characters and life style. Today our active preparation is for tomorrow’s success.
Tomorrow is very powerful – living and independent. It observes time and always arrives according to its invariable time table. The majority of people make plans for their future for distant and instant one. Today we plan for what we will do tomorrow. Tomorrow we will plan for what we will do in a week and so on. Planning your future organizing your division of time helps you stay organized and more or less prepared to tomorrow.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Change Management
· How can you market yourself?
· What is your brand?
· What is observed in you by the market?
· Are they observing you or trying to avoid you?
· Are you satisfied with yourself and your morality, if not you have some area of improvement?
· Review your old thoughts and start thinking a fresh.
All will start looking at you with surprise-allow them.
They will start criticizing - let them.
If what you are doing is good and does not harm anyone, then once it is completed you will be much more happy, healthy, wealthy and peaceful.
Observing this, those who criticize will make a mistake and by then this will be right.
The fault becoming right is CHANGE.
The lifeless fish will move with the flow and the live one will swim against current of flow.
In this way the change
· Initially will be ridiculed
· Then questioned
· Then criticized
· With great force it will be rejected
· And finally accepted
This is Change Management.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Father – Old and New, Is the Role Same?
In earlier days as Father entered the house, due to fear, all used to be silent. He was very loveable and at the same time was very highly respected. Yesterday, Father was a dictator and what he said has to be followed.
Today Father is a good friend and the one who corrects good and bad and puts the children on the right track. As he returns back the children go and fall on him and enquire what he has brought for them that day and is the one who paves the Golden Road for their future.
In the past the Father never used to have any role in bringing up the children and only used to take the role of heading the family. He used to be authoritative, dictate rules and regulations along with the discipline that the family had to observe.
In today’s situation of nuclear families both the husband and wife are forced to share the responsibility equally and accordingly Love and Responsibility are handled by father and Affection by Mother. But the posture, conduct and the discipline are taught only by Father. We should encourage our children to take opportunity and learn these from him as they will not be taught in any university or by any personality development expert in any institution as all these have been experienced by him during his life.
Today the children with the aspirations of their career and its growth are having very less time and are not caring to spare some time to spend with their parents. Some of them are moving out of the country leaving their parents alone in old age homes and the parents are experiencing the draught of affection in their life.
With greater importance to communication the communication gaps are increasing and it is questioning the human relation itself. This is leading to the lack of love and affection and we also observe this as get togethers are on the down trend.
It is very heart fully to observe how sincerely the parents crave for the welfare of their children.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Learn to Earn Money
· Do we have necessity for money
· Do we need money
· Is money life
Money is required for all as a Necessity in the form of basic needs such as Food, Clothing and Shelter (Roti, Kapada Aur Makan) then we can have Comfort with it and as far as Luxury is concerned sky is the limit.
Different ways to Earn Money:1. Win - Win Move – A writer brings out a book for publication for R.100, the reader purchases the book with an investment to gain the knowledge. If the book is to his satisfaction, it is a mutual win-win situation.
2. Selling the Dreams – During consultancy providing suggestions for Vastu or predictions with Astrology. Here what is sold is satisfaction as the buyer will not get any profit except self satisfaction.
3. Deceiving – There is a group of people who sell words which are not real, if one follows he will be deceived and finally at a loss thus the deceiver gets profit and the deceived will be completely at a loss.
Is Money Earning An Art?A section of people tell that earning money is an art and certain people can only do that but not all. Though it appears to be reasonable, it is not true.
The following four qualities are necessary for anyone to earn money:
1. Intelligence
2. Skill
3. Investment
4. Effort
There is lot of Money in the world now, what is essential for us is to know where to put the bait for it, is it in equity shares or real estate or should we establish an Educational Institution, or beauty parlor in a good location etc. Once we know this then start believing that Money is there.
Money Atmosphere - Beside the above criteria money atmosphere is a very essential resource. Because a deep insight is needed as to how money can be generated with generous views and generous utility and generous conduct.
We should develop liking for money. Suppose we are going along Abids and find huge multistoried buildings, instead of thinking all these people have deceived by some means and got money, start thinking if I am able to put in efforts I will also be able to build such multi storied buildings.
The most important point being, have less infatuation on money and have a strong liking for money. Stop thinking of money with infatuation and not contented even with corers of rupees and in the process due to your carelessness you spoil your heath.
Forthcoming success
Everyone has ample opportunities to achieve success monetarily physically mentally and morally. If one achieves the first one it’s only for him to channelize to achieve the other roles. If someone fails to achieve success to get money at a particular time, one should not get disappointed. Repeated trails with meaningful efforts lead to success. But a person does not realize this dictum.
It is important to earn money but it’s equally more important to utilize it. If it is properly utilized at a proper time in a proper context the satisfaction achieved is all the more high. Some earn money but they do not know how to utilize it. They can utilize it in social service for charitable trust or any other philanthropic purpose and there by derive self satisfaction.
Man has to realize and understand the difference between the life and living. To achieve this one needs to have 6 prosperities, they are Health, Fame, Money, Wisdom, Inquisitiveness and Love. Of this Money is one of them. The Man who achieves these will climb the ladder and reach the stage of Self Actualization.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Prosperity in 6 ways
No, 99% will come back and one may stay only if he is not interested in life or has any other problem. If a pain occurs immediately we need doctor and hence Health is most important.
Man requires 6 prosperities of them 1st is Health. A Student requires 2 types of health, Physical and mental.
Health a) Physical health – It implies ill health, cleanness and tidiness. What parents do not teach to the students is cleaning up the bed as one wakes up, the brushing of the teeth and making them clean and having a good bath. As far as health is concerned experts world over predict that by the year 2020 in India 50% will suffer from diabetes, BP and renal failures. It is happening only because, as man got slowly transformed from monkey and in those days the monkey each day to get food used to travel 50 Km for which it used to jump from one tree to another and travel quit far, but today man does not even travel 200 yards leave alone 2 Km. When pancreas is not releasing sufficient quantity of insulin is leading to diabetes. Avoiding doctor is a major fortune. No one can do anything for disease such as cancer or aids, where as the rest of the 90% diseases are squarely due to our negligence.
b) Mental ill health – A peace of mind gives lot of ideas for constructive working. Lack of mental peace leads to worst disorder. The most unlucky of all are those who are not having interest in what they are doing. If as one goes to office he thinks why he needs to go to office, in the same way if a student thinks why he needs to go to school and a women why I need to go to kitchen they are all the most unfortunate ones. So for one to have good mental health
o One needs to have interest in what he is doing.
o One should know what are the advantages and disadvantages for what he is doing?
o Also one needs to know what is it that is making him lose interest in what he is doing?
For example one gets a problem in house and he carries that problem from home to office in his briefcase and if he thinks of only this problem then he cannot work. If one works with financial tension or any other type of worry he is considered to be not in good mental health.
So the very first prosperity to man is to have good health both physically and mentally.
FameFame is common to all but how one receives it may vary. A child just born has fame in the sense of his smile. A student in LKG who comes first has his fame as the teacher praises him. In this way the fame takes birth in every one. For some they do not have fame in their house and feel lonely. In another case the head of the family is away from home for more than 10 days and no one in the house bothers his absence. For some as they return back, the home which was sparkling with joy becomes suddenly silent with everybody attending to work. By seeing this he thinks that it is his fame, it is in fact not fame, but power which is exhibitive and unnatural. On the contrary a smiling and pleasant query keeps the home highly happy and adds to the good fame of the head of the family. Such fame is the 2nd prosperity.
Today after money man needs fame.
MoneyPeople may say what we will get with money? Money though gives comfort may not lead to happiness. If we say that we can be happy without money, how can one be happy with empty stomach? When we ask a student where will you build a house when you are 45 years we get answers such as I will build house in my native place. If we ask in continuation he would say 2 bed room for me and my children. Then if we question where will your parents be as they have fostered you, he would say I would have 4 bed room house. If I come what will you do, then he would say 5 bed room. So what is required is prior and necessary planning.
Earn money early and be free to live comfortably.
Wisdom Wisdom is the elixir of human life. Foolishness indicates the lack of wisdom which leads to difficulty as such knowledge on various aspects for pleasant living is necessary. In order to fool the conductor if you have purchased a ticket in spite of having student pass it is foolishness. To overcome this we need wisdom that comes to us in different forms. Knowledge is considered as ocean and with depth and magnitude of the ocean is highly desirable. Knowledge is unending but it is possible to learn continuously on many aspects.
Inquisitiveness What we do in island is eat, drink and sleep. We must have the eagerness to know what is going to happen tomorrow. But today’s generation has got accustomed to routine life. Such as brushing teeth, reading news paper, go to work and come back in the evening. Take the TV remote and keep shifting the channels and then say that this day has passed. For such people it is better to stay back in the island in the way described earlier.
If we don’t have that eagerness to know then there is no progress in life.
This is the last and the most important prosperity in one’s life. To love is a virtue; to be loved is a boon; A few only experience it. Is it not where to see persons like Gandhi, Abdul Kalam & Nelson Mandela. Who have no personal interest but have lived for only others. We need to express love. As today the parents to children and children to parents have no time to express love.
This can be done through Thought, Word & Deed through words, actions and listening.
The one who achieves all these 6 prosperities will be on the Mount Everest and these individuals will be called as performers.
We have about 95% watchers and have only 5% performers.
So start performing from today.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Thoughts and feelings create vibration subconsciously or otherwise. Along with this we also have Happiness, Bliss, Fun, Love, Hope, Trimph and many more in Life.
A smile always works wonders.
Three words that lead life to happiness are Live, Love and Laugh.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
I liked this specific sentence on love which I came across today in one of the books: True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be ……………
Friday, April 10, 2009
1. If you always want Success to be on your side, you should keep updating yourself.
2. You must prepare your Plans and implement them.
3. You should recognize your strengths and weaknesses and overcome weaknesses through introspection.
4. You should get objective feedback from seniors in the field and work on areas of improvement.
5. Increasing your awareness by knowing the growth in your field leads to creative thinking.
6. Once you are successful, avoid being inert in your comfort zone and continue to put in your efforts with renewed rigor.
7. Then Success will follow you with a smile.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
A day in Saraswati Vidya Peetam
This one day training is free and can be utilized by a batch of 40 students from any school and teaches various ways and techniques to make study easy for the student.
Entering into Vidya Peetam is a wonderful feeling; full of trees and flowering plants welcome us to spend some time with them.
As one enters towards right we have the temple of Goddess Saraswati with beautiful natural surroundings. It has an excellent garden with flowering plants, fruit trees, different types of pet animals such as birds, rabbits etc. In the midst of these one will observe a beautiful pond with Lotus flowers and fishes. Once we cross these we will come across more interesting things to play such as Swings, boats for riding in the pond, sliders and balancers during lunch time.
After the temple as we walk ahead we will observe a house and beside it we have steps to go up for our class room. As we enter the class room we see open air surroundings with greenery that touch our heart with occasional train passing by the railway lane adjust to the compound.
In class Yandamoori Veerendranath teaches for about 3 hours how to enjoy as one studies with concentration, simple principles to apply while studying mathematics, the Art of Living and Time Management especially for students to avoid tension before the exam.
He interacts with the students with a Q & A Session and gives surprise gifts for those who give prompt and correct responses and encourages participation by one and all there by achieving self confidence. Apart from this they are also exposed to new world of experience to shrink their phobias and develop attentiveness.
In lunch break the students break out and have lunch in the garden under the trees with cool breeze. After this students spend some time in playing around with whatever fascinates them. Boating and other sport activities unwind their attentiveness; fishing enhances concentration and reduces hyperactivity.
In the evening under the shades of falling sun, sitting near the lake near the temple the students are encouraged to narrate stories to develop the art of public speaking and communication and also reduces their stage fear.
Then all the students gather in the temple and pray to Goddess Saraswathi and take oath to alter some of their hazardous habits like eating junk food, hypersomnia and watching TV and go back to their home with self satisfaction.
It’s a wonderful experience for any student to spend a day like this as it tells them on what they should concentrate during their education which in turn will convert them to future citizens. This is how they end their fun filled day very fruitfully.
Any school that is interested can contact Yandamoori Veerendranath at his mobile number 91 92465 02662 or can reach at and schedule their students for this wonderful experience.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
10 Steps to Setting Goals
2. Keep it short and simple.
3. A goal should be a genuine desire: A goal should be something you will work for, something that is important to you. A goal must be passionately desired for it to be achieved.
4. Be realistic but at the same time optimistic: A goal should Push You – it should be something that you have to strive for.
5. Be specific: Be absolutely clear as to what you must do to achieve results and how and when you must do it. Reduce the goal to manageable units.
6. Get to work: Action should speak louder than words.
7. Motivate, Review and Adjust if Necessary: Change the target, make it bigger (Remember be realistic but optimistic). Any achievement is better than no achievement at all.
8. Keep them to yourself: You should keep your personal goals private because there will always be people who will try to discourage you. Don’t give them chance to pull you down with their sinking ship.
9. Set different ranges of goals: Long term goals should not be too specific. The important thing is to have an overall objective in mind. To know where you want to be a few years down the track.
10. Concentrate on smashing through them: When it comes to striving towards a goal don’t stop at the finishing line. Instead set yourself a new target, a new finishing line and a new goal to replace, the one you just lost by winning it.
Friday, March 27, 2009
As it is a long week end I woke up late and was lazing around in spite of heavy load of pending work. It is difficult to follow planned Time Management on a week end as against a regular working day. I wanted to start my work and as I could not proceed I strolled down into my little garden and have come across an excellent scene.
The nests built by the birds are generally very impressive. We get surprised at their creativity as they collect small dry flexible sticks and weave them into an excellent nest.
In my little garden they have placed this nest with two young birds between Money Plant and Night Queen. As I watched while one went to fetch the food the other was watching over the young ones. As the bird was returning with food the young ones were jumping with joy to eat. I was watching this happen and gradually all my laziness vanished and has started to do my work with doubled rigor.

Nature is awakening. The earth has been blessed with spring’s gift of immortality.
The flowers bloom and blush with colours - the splender of the rose and the whitness of the lilly.
The jasmines spread sweet fragrance which is nature’s own creation.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Happy - Unhappy
The essential difference between the happy person and unhappy person is the difference between Get and Give.
The unhappy person is concerned with what’s in it for me, what are people doing to me and so forth.
But the happy person is looking towards what he can do, what he can give, what he can accomplish.
Value of TIME
Take time to Think, it is the Source of Power.
Take time to Read, it is the Fountain of Wisdom.
Take time to Be Friendly, it is the Road to Happiness.
Take time to Give, it is Too Short a Day to be Selfish.
Take time to Work, it is the Price of Success.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Self Motivation
The ants keep moving and never stop at any place. If we place our hand on their way they take a diversion and go in another way. They will never bother for any number of hurdles on their way, and continue their journey uninterruptedly. They never lose their enthusiasm or courage and will continue to put in efforts.
Similarly try pulling grass from the ground and you will observe that with each mother root the child root also gets into the earth and embraces it. If we pull the grass it challenges us and says you can’t do anything to me and grows again.
We being human beings with thought power and intellect in case of any problem, why do we think only in one way and don’t allow our thoughts to think differently and find a way to solve the problem.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Womens Day
She is called weak but her courage and guts amaze me.
She is called an emotional fool but her maturity amazes me.
· smiles when she feels like screaming
· sings when she feels like crying
· cries when she’s Happy and
· laughs when she’s afraid
She loves unconditionally.
There ‘s only one thing wrong with her, she sometimes forget s what she is worth………….
Saturday, March 7, 2009
How to Enjoy the Work
Why should a man work? Man Works to derive satisfaction. A wise man should think to die at his work.
A man’s personality is conglomeration of deeds and activities.
What you are is god’s gift to you. What you become is your gift to god.
Human life – work = 0 (ZERO)
Why should we do work?
1. It keeps you engaged and takes away boredom and frustration.
2. Work should afford full scope for flowering human talent.
3. Work and leisure are interrelated.
4. Leisure encircles the work. Leisure can be enjoyed after real hard work.
5. The word Enjoy is derived from joy. There is no joy in life, if there is no work.
6. Happiness is the state of mind.
7. Every individual is a special kind of artist who can shape his personality. He can beautify his own life and community. A truly educated person always thinks of what, how and why. How can I improve? Why I can’t reach excellence? etc.
8. Happiness and joy can be seen in any work if it is performed properly, orderly, perfectly and ethically.
Planning is the key to success:
1. Plan every day in advance
2. Action without planning is bound to cause failure.
3. Try 10/90 rule – 10% effort in planning and 90% effort in doing work.
Achieving excellence at work:
1. First decide what you must enjoy doing.
2. To understand our relationships with others, we must first understand ourselves.
3. Some of what you do most is what you like least.
4. Life comprises 10% of what happens to us and 90% how we react to what happen to us.
Techniques to achieve excellence at work:
1. Accept responsibility - response + ability
2. Pride - personal responsibility.
3. Avoid 4C’s - Criticizing, Complaining, Competing & Comparing
4. Be fearless - F - False, E - Evidence, A - Appearing, R - Real
5. Duty with desire becomes delight.
Stand out from the Crowd
2. Greet every one cheerfully.
3. Compliment: If you look hard enough you will always be able to find something in people to sincerely compliment. Make it a habit to start looking into it.
4. Be over – courteous.
5. Praise and pat on the back.
6. Say Thank You.
7. Be a nice person: It’s nice to be important but it’s more important to be nice.
8. Do your good deed for the day.
9. Sing, hum, whistle and be a Ray of Sun Shine.
10. Don’t hold grudges – instead forgive and forget.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Secret of Happiness
Invest in your self – because you are worth it. Every human being wants just one thing - to be happy. If your, self image is positive, you will convey positive to those around you.
Articulate your feelings – Write to the person a warm and sincere note appreciating the gesture. Pick up the phone and send a text. Make it a point to demonstrate your affection by reaching out briefly.
Listen with your heart not just with your ears.
Walk up to the person who has earned your respect and say so. It costs nothing but it goes a long way in long run.
In certain situations extending your help if it leads to a positive outcome, don’t hesitate as one should not walk away as a coward from the current crisis.
Cultivate habits of Reading, Listening to Music or Gardening:
· Reading – Books are true friends as they don’t ask us anything, they are self less and give us knowledge as we read.
· Music – We get great pleasure by listening to good music.
· Gardening - Grow a small garden. My own little garden in my home is very precious to me. One day as I wake up and see a rose in full bloom in my little garden, my sprits rise high with no limit. I take the arrival of each new leaf of every plant as a personal victory.
Money – We all need money to live. But we don’t need to chase it at the cost of everything else in our life.
Good Food has great recall – remembering a memorable meal is a pleasure in itself.
Drink - Don’t drink if you think that the alcohol will take away your sorrow.
Loosing with grace is an art in itself. Win some and loose some, that’s how it goes and always will.
Sound Sleep – Having sound sleep for 6 to 8 hours a day will let you relax well for the next day’s work. Calmness of mind is a beautiful jewel of wisdom.
There is a beautiful word called DAAN which defies accurate translation. It includes kindness and compassion, as much as donation and gifts that you share.
Nothing is impossible – the word impossible itself tells I am possible.
Make sure your identity that which you enjoy more than anything else – success is bound to follow you.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thoughts of a Building
Once upon a time I was very busy and had no time to spare. I had regular foreign visitors and VIP’s from different walks of life. Surrounding me were green lawns with plants procured from various parts of the World that made every one stand for a minute with their cool breeze, pleasant smell and colorfulness.
The architects who are specialized in specific areas have created me with colorfulness, wall to wall carpet, centralized AC, good lighting and excellent ventilation.
With no difference of day and night, conferences and meetings were scheduled to cater to those across the world and there by even mid night looked bright and warm. With the busy schedule of employees no one knew what silence is.
Be this as it may, suddenly I started looking at a drastic change that brought about great concern in Employees, leading to brooding over trivial items. The lecture halls that have been extremely busy are now found to be Vacant. Those who had the inclination to taste all verities of special food have started to economize on their food habits.
Finally the economic down fall has fallen on me also and accordingly many lay off’s have come into lime light. With this I had no option to control myself as I saw some of them leaving. This gradually led to secluding myself.
Monday, February 16, 2009
God replied: Yes, losing your confidence of getting another.
Life is too short to wake up with regrets, Love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who don't.
Friendship and death are two un-invited guests, when they come nobody knows. But both do the same work, one takes the heart and the other its beats......
The efficient will look for an opportunity in every problem and the inefficient will look for a problem in every opportunity.
My friend and I have an understanding. We understand that it takes more than understanding to understand each other.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Software Indusrty
Who are software engineers? Have they come down from the sky? Is that industry specially designed? They come from low class and middle class with their hard work and study. Today they are in this stage because of their un-relented efforts with their steadfastness and determination and with their earnings they have fulfilled their dreams. All financial institutions have made enormous money because of the high pay of software engineers as these high salaries were paid to them by the industry only because of their cleverness, timeliness and on time quality delivery.
Every industry will have its boom and then over a period of time will come down. This does not mean that they are worthless. Our biggest drawback is to compare our self with others and also demeaning one self. For us to grow and also to fulfill our dreams we can do so from any industry. There are many who with their hard work have grown from poverty to millionaires.
If in any company a scam occurs, the employees are blamed by saying that it happened because of them, there is no boom, and we thought that this would happen and not talking to them as they were interacting earlier etc. All this is leading to the depression of some of the employees of that company. We need not do anything special, we need to be mind full of the fact that we will do lot of good by not hurting them with our words and jokes.
As the famous writer Yandamoori Veerendranath said, the wave which has gone up has to come down necessarily, the software boom has enabled the power of purchase, and as the industry is down the power of purchase has come down, but that does not imply that there is no development. We need to welcome CHANGE.